Tuesday, 30 July 2013

PES 2013 Selector Tool v2.0 by Ginda01 + Fix

Filled under: ,

|--== Description ==--|
Tools for change some option/graphic in PES 2013 

|--== Feature ==--|
1. Support for All Patch
2. Allow to add your own creation
3. Change League & Cup Trophy
4. Change Start Screen
5. Change Text in SS
6. Change Polo Shirt ( ML & BAL)
7. Change Jacket ( ML & BAL)
8. Change Press Confrence Room
9. Change Gameplan Turf & Can Switch to Auto Chage Logo
10. Change Cinematic Entrance

|--== Bug ==--|
1. Saklar music kadang macet/konslet XD
2. Tell me if you find another bug 

|--== Download ==--|
Pes 2013 SelectorTool v2.0 by Ginda01 | Fix

|--== Instalation Guide ==--|
1. Download this tool
2. Extract it where ever
3. Install to your PES 2013 directory
4. Start via PES 2013 Selector Tool by Ginda01.exe
5. Change all as you want
6. Enjoy this tool  

|--== Credit ==--|
1. Tools :  Ginda01
2. Polo & Jacket : LeePass
3. Startscreen & Prees Con : Ginda01
4. Trophy : MarlonLDU, Ginda01
5. Entrance : Rizki_2F
6. Gameplan : KhuongDuy82, Vantrung1408

And Spesial Thanks to Ms.VS 2012, Photoshop CS6, Vantrung1408.


Tutorial Add Your Creation to Selector & Change Music

24 komentar:

  1. gan ente jurusan multimedia ye sekolahnyee. perasaan jago amat hahaha :D

    1. hahah, maksaih gan..
      ane jurusuna SI gan :D

  2. gan kok gak mau muncul ya pes selector tool nya?

    1. udah download fix nya ??

    2. udah bisa gan ternyata, thanks ya :D lupa download fix nya tadi ehehe :v

  3. gan kok pes selector toolnya gak muncul2 cuma loadingnya aja? fix nya udah di download & udah di pake tetep sama aja

  4. gan, kok error ini? daritadi loading mulu, udah download fixnya padahal

  5. bang itu hrs diinstall part1,2, sama fix nya, semuanya hrs diisntall satusatu, apa langsung install yg fixnya aja bang ?

    1. download semuanya ( part1,part2, fix )

    2. diextract dulu, trs dinstall smua, nanti selectorr tool nya jd ada 3 dong bang.

    3. extract part1, ntar ada file exe, trus install..
      extract fix, trus install

  6. kalo Press Confrence Room,Change League & Cup Trophy dan Cinematic Entrance hanya berlaku pada saat BAL&ML atau per team

  7. @MICHAEL BALLACK ya ga bakal gan, part1 and part 2 kalo di ekstrak jadi 1 file, kalo yang fix cuma pembaruan file

  8. Untuk Modevo caranya sama ya?

  9. Buat Windows X64 gbs ya? cb gbs -,-"

  10. Nothing happens and I have pesjp patch and put this patch choose what I want but just something broke What is wrong
