Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (PC) Full Cracked

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      Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 marks a new beginning for Konami’s blockbuster soccer series, with an all-new engine allowing for every aspect of Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 to be totally reworked to produce a game much closer to the excitement and variety of a top-level match.

About the Game :
      Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 marks a new beginning for Konami’s blockbuster soccer series, with an all-new engine allowing for every aspect of Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 to be totally reworked to produce a game much closer to the excitement and variety of a top-level match. The central theme of fluidity is based on the constant moving of players and switching positions which mirrors the modern approach to football. Producers looked at how the matches ebb and flow, with player individuality key to a team’s success, and well-drilled tactics helping underdogs produce giant-killing feats. 
       In addition to noticeably improved graphics and seamless animation, the thrust of the new engine’s power has been used to redefine the way football is played as a video game. Gone are the limitations imposed by dated animation systems and AI elements, and instead PES 2014 boasts a central core that perfectly mimics the skill and awareness that elevates the world’s greatest players above their peers.

Minimum system requirements
Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7
Graphic Card: GeForce 510, Radeon HD 5450 512MB
CPU: Pentium D 820 2.8GHz, Athlon LE-1640
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

Recommended system requirements
Operating System: Win Xp 32, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Graphic Card: GeForce GT 440, Radeon HD 5550 1024MB
CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 2.80GHz, Athlon II X2 255
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 9.0c

 Solusi yang ga ada suaranya, download Direct X Runtime

35 komentar:

  1. namanya juga torrent bro. isntall bittorent trus download pes nya lewat torrent

  2. .. bisa order via DVD kang Ginda ?,..
    internet saya lemod banget klo download ..

  3. om ginda ada bittorent nya gak..ane minjem dulu dong :D

    1. download aja gan, gimana mau minjeminnya ._.

  4. WR92-PN7U-Y9YV-EYC3-R2U2 itu kode apa mas?

  5. Ko grafik pas maen pertandingan nya jlek ya gan??apa emang blm full ya ini??

  6. ini pes 2013 apa pes 2014 masalahnya size nya sama 5,77 juga

  7. Bang Ginda. saya udah Download, instal + serial number juga, tapi ko ga bisa dimainin ya? muncul "retry" gitu. disuru input CD.
    atau karena belum ada patch dan data Pack nya gan ?

  8. Bang ginda, ane udah download + install pesnya via torrent, Tapi pas open launcher pesnya keluar noticed " Wrong Disc Inserted "
    Mohon bantuanya min ^,^

  9. gan ko g bisa di play yah???
    kluar tulisan insert original cd/dvd trus gan??
    mohon bntuanya...

  10. gan minta single link download nya dong

  11. Boss Ginda ,, mau tanya : apa bisa PES 2014 di mainin di windows XP SP3 32-bit , CPU : core i3 tapi RAM nya cuma 1,92 GB ???

    mohon penjelasannya ???

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. bg ane udah install Direct X Runtime
    kok tetep ga ada suara ya ?

  14. ane udah bisa instal gan, pake Power ISO buat ekstrak, baru di instal. tapi sekarang ada masalah lg, running bisa ke game. tapi lag dan lemoooot bgt. pas cek di spesifikasi. smua GOOD, tapi Prosesor ane doang yg "N/A" kaya ga kebaca gitu, udah instal 3x tetep gitu, ada yg bisa bantu ga master2 dan admin terbaik ? di PC bisa, ini yg ga bisa di laptop ane, padahal PES2013 bisa. :(

  15. permasalahan di saat setelah sukses install gan, insert original cd/dvd terus, didalemnya gak ada folder cracknya gan, mohon pencerahannya, thanks
