Change log version :
- Improve stability for kitloader
- Improve loading kit's png speed
- Improve mask quality
- Fixed bugs when use config.bin with kitloader
- Fixed bugs for fileloader
- Fixed many bugs for all plugins
- Fixed randomly crash bugs
- Fixed file loader doesnt work with Read-Only file
- Fixed online playing incompatible problems
- Kitloader now works with both DDS & PNG format
- Improve stability for plugins
- Fileloader can work with unzlib file (you dont need to zlib file before using)
- Available plugin :
- Video loader - allow to use usm format via fileloader
- Controller.dll (supports Xbox360 Controller) That'll make controller vibrate when ball
- Faceloader : manage face with GDB system, support extra playerID (in beta test state)
- KitLoader.dll : Manage kits with GDB system
- Lodmixer.dll : Misc visual tweaks, change screen resolution, enforce picture quality...
- SongLoader.dll : Allow to add & playback hca file ingame
- Speeder.dll : Increase or decrease gameplay speed, improve performance, fix some system's bugs
- Added option :
- Fast start & skip intro video
- Controller.dll (supports Xbox360 Controller) That'll make controller vibrate when ball hit the post, bar or get foul
- Controller : vibration when shooting
- Kitloader : Icon style, Sleeve position config (thanks to Hawke)
- Vibration plugin supports generic controller (untested - please test it for me)
- Gameplay changelog :
- Improve gameplay exprience, increase shot power
- Adjust dribble
- How to install :
- Extract everything to game folder, overwrite older file if existed.
- Edit pes2014.ini and make sure gameplay plugin has been added in plugin list
dll = Lodmixer.dll
dll = Speeder.dll
dll = KitLoader.dll
dll = Controller.dll
dll = SongLoader.dll
dll = Faceloader.dll
dll = VideoLoader.dll
dll = Gameplay.dll
- How to remove :
- Delete Gameplay.dll in folder "Fileloader"